How To Attract Luck In Gambling


Everyone wants to be lucky and a lot of people tried so many things just to have some luck. We all want things to go our way and for life to deliver great opportunities, an inflow of money and people whom we get along with. Some seem to have all that and it looks very easy for them while the rest of us struggle along, doing our best and hoping for a lucky break. Thankfully, there are ways you can give the universe a nudge to help you attract good luck.

  1. An in-depth look into the close relationship between gambling and superstitions and how the latter has influenced the former throughout history.
  2. Gambling goal entails many chances and luck, and it is therefore understandable that the players will do almost. They assumed to attract luck to a.
  3. Via YouTube Capture.

10 Methods to Attract Good Luck

4 simple tips on how to attract luck into your life and become a luckier person. Besides the strategies observed in any casino, anyone who comes to play games, hoping he wins real money and wealth is putting his faith in lucky objects or rituals.

1. Make New Friends

Many opportunities come via people we know. More friends equals more opportunities. Get out there, find like-minded people and socialize. If you can mix with active, interesting people, you have a much better chance of hearing about likely opportunities. Friends have friends who have friends. Go out and meet them; build your network.

2. Try New Things

You may not have discovered your passion or your life’s work yet. Unless you attempt new things, you may never discover what that is. Keep an open mind to all possibilities. You don’t know if you could be an talented ceramicist unless you pick up a lump of clay and give it a go. How do you know that you aren’t a gifted energy healer? Or an amazing tarot reader? No-one ever said, on their death-bed, “Gosh, I wish I hadn’t done all those things.” People who broaden their minds and their life experience become interesting characters who attract good luck and good friends.

3. Relax to Attract Good Luck

Stop focusing on what is going on in your life and begin to look at what is happening around you. Turn your attention outward. People who are anxious and uptight tend not to see the chances life is offering to them. They are too wrapped up in their own fears. Easy to say, but until you learn how to relax and let go of your resistance, good luck will elude you.

4. Look For Signs and Symbols

You are being guided by your inner being, guardian angel, fairies of the universe, call it what you will. There’s a divine intelligence available to all of us, but most shut it out, preferring to rely on our senses for information. One way to begin to pay attention to those whispers from the universe is to look for signs and symbols. Trying to make a decision? Guidance is being offered to you. It might be a line in a book or a song. A particular bird in a particular place. A literal road sign. The name of a store. A number which keeps showing up for you. Teach yourself to be aware of the subtle hints all around.

5. Adopt an Attitude of Knowing

During your self-talk, you’ll find yourself wishing for something to happen, some good outcome or the manifestation of a desire. We all do it. Instead of wistfully wishing adopt an attitude of sureness, of knowing that it will come to you. Say, “When that thing I want comes into my life…” instead of “I wish I could have that thing…” Wishing in that way is yearning. Yearning emphasizes what you don’t have. Knowing tells the universe that you are certain it will be delivered. And it will be – unless something better comes along.

6. Buy the Ticket

We’re not encouraging you to gamble, but you can’t win the lottery if you don’t buy a ticket. In the same way, you can’t gain from an investment if you don’t make the investment. You won’t get the job unless you apply for it. So help yourself to attract luck – buy the ticket.

7. Go With Your Gut

Your gut feeling is your intuition. While many dismiss intuition as wishful thinking or indigestion, scientists have shown that intuition is real. In fact, many important scientific discoveries have occurred because scientists followed their own intuition. And of course, we at PsychicOz KNOW that it is very real. Intuition is expressed through a feeling, a quiet thought, or perhaps a compulsion to take action even if we don’t know why. Scientists say that intuitive feelings are a result of our subconscious recognizing patterns. Patterns which we have absorbed and learned without realizing.

8. Expect Good Luck

Expectation is similar to knowing, as described above. Expectation is more general. Someone who lives in expectation of good things happening will attract good luck throughout their life. That doesn’t mean they won’t suffer ‘negative’ events, it simply means they have programmed themselves to a positive expectation. When they get it, it feels natural; the normal course of events. Many people do the exactly opposite, they program themselves to expect the worst and are always surprised when the ‘worst’ keeps turning up.

9. Play With the Law of Attraction

Have fun with all this. Play some Law of Attraction games. You have nothing to lose and you don’t need to tell anyone, do you? Try our money manifesting techniques . Or maybe our more general magical manifestation technique. Perhaps you are hoping to be lucky in love? We have ideas for attracting love too.

10. Give Good Luck

Have you thought about making someone else feel lucky? One of the easiest and most satisfying ways to attract good luck to yourself is to give it to another. Tape an envelope with a dollar or two inside to a park bench or other place where you’ll know it will be found. You could write on the front, “Have a coffee on me.” You never know… that two dollars might save someone’s life, or restore their faith in humanity, or simply pay for them to have a good cup of coffee. Make someone feel it’s their lucky day.

Gambling is a 400 billion dollar industry. This means there are 400 billion dollars on the table to grab, placed by punters and bettors worldwide. That is the gambling pie. Now, grab a spoon and read how you can take a bite.

First, let’s say a few words about how the big guys work in this business.

The gambling industry is mostly made up of sports betting operators, casinos and poker rooms. These are the industry’s big winners, due to how games are stacked against players. Bookmakers make money due to vig, casinos are guaranteed to profit due to the house edge and poker rooms receive rake from every pot.

If you want to win big and constantly, you need to start a gambling business. No other way around. You cannot take a bigger cut of the gambling pie unless you are one of these companies. Even the most successful poker players and sports bettors cannot compete them in profitability.

Yet, these businesses are not one-man shows. Plenty of people work in the gambling venues, from dealers and odds compilers to marketers and public relations staff. They are real businesses with business plans that guarantee them a profit for offering a service to the public. That service is entertainment. Because that is what gambling is.


For all that people to work and get paid their salaries, gambling companies need big cheques and margins. Otherwise, their business isn’t sustainable.

There are two ways to accomplish that: by either having bigger-than-average profit margins or increasing their turnover. Usually, brand new gambling companies go for the former. As they build up their customer base, they reduce their margins to attract more turnover and compete with the big guys. By the time a gambling operator generates sufficient revenue and net profit every year, their business is safe, as long as they don’t fall behind to competition.

Then, it’s a matter of how many more gamblers find their service attractive. The more they do, the bigger the cut for the company.

How To Attract Luck In Gambling

Either way, gambling companies are after punters’ money. Those 300 billion dollars. Gamblers are feeding the whole gambling industry. Even in poker where at first glance whales (wealthy bad players) lose to better, regular players. Note “regulars”. Eventually, those regulars will keep playing, paying rake on a daily basis, giving a portion of their winnings back to the poker room.

So, here’s how to stop feeding the gambling industry.

Stop gambling!

If you have been gambling, stop. Unless you are a winner, you need to stop. And since you are reading these lines, you have been losing money. So, stop losing money!

How Do You Attract Good Luck In Gambling

So simple.

Now that your bankroll stopped depleting, it’s time to understand the ins and outs of the gambling industry. That is known as the iGaming industry if you are gambling online.

In gambling, someone has an edge. It’s either you or the man on the other side of the betting line. That usually is the house, standing for bookmakers and casinos. That edge is either predetermined (think of roulette, where you are paid 35-to-1 on a 37-number wheel) or fluctuating (think of betting odds that move up or down).

The best way to comprehend the edge is a coin toss.

Imagine you bet on a coin flip, at less than even odds. No matter your choice of heads or tails, you are going to lose money, in the long run. You are betting on a 50-50 chance but only get paid less than double your money on each coin flip! Depending on how much less you are getting paid, your bankroll will withstand a certain amount of bets.

So, if I’m offering you 1.90 (decimal odds) for each coin flip, your money will end up in my pockets after 200-300 coin flips. That’s how you have been feeding the gambling industry. And that’s what the house edge is all about.

But how do I know how big is your bankroll?

Risk management in gambling

Before you even think of beating the casinos or the bookies, you must understand risk management. Also known as bankroll or capital management, risk management will be the decisive factor in your success. No matter how much edge you gain over the gambling companies, bad risk management will make your betting bankroll evaporate.

If you are going to remember one thing from this article, note this:

Always risk maximum 1% of your gambling capital.

That’s easy to remember, right? Set aside a specific amount of money for your gambling habit and split it into 100 parts. No matter your gambling medium, you should risk no more than one part on each bet you are placing.

That’s pretty much it!

That would also get you in a safe distance from disastrous staking plans, like martingale systems. When the time comes, you’ll move up to more advanced staking strategies than flat betting, such as the Kelly staking plan. Until then though, stick to risking 1 per cent of your bankroll and you’ll be fine.

Remember that this rule applies to small and big bankrolls alike! So, your bankroll’s size doesn’t matter when it comes to risk. Size only determines how much money you will make or lose in currency terms.

Find a gambling system

Now comes the really tedious task of creating a profitable gambling strategy. Finding an edge in the market isn’t easy, I’ll tell you that. If it were that easy, and given the simple risk management rule I explained, everyone would be a winner. But you already know that only 5% or so of gamblers can make it pay.

In order for you to make money, someone has to lose. It’s a zero-sum game, where gambling operators also get their cut. Thus, we need to exploit the market, looking for leaks and biases, like the favorite-longshot bias . The average gambler follows specific betting patterns. You mustn’t do the same. Always do something different, always think different.

Be the first to … or be the best in exploiting a known fallacy.

Oh, and if you do, don’t let the world know unless you are after fame and reputation. Otherwise, your edge will diminish as more people will imitate you, and market finds its new balance.

How To Attract Luck In Gambling Stocks

Finally, don’t worry if your first betting system fails!

Be disciplined, stay on your toes and avoid burnout

So, by now you should have a viable system and know how much to bet on the next game. You are on your way to becoming one of the elite professional gamblers. What can go wrong?

First, you may not be disciplined enough to follow your own rules! Wouldn’t it be pity to lose money, after all that research and study? Yet, even reputable and notable sharp bettors may lose their discipline after a long losing streak.

Don’t be that guy.

Trust your proven strategy, stick to your risk management plan and always be prepared for variance. Embrace the drawdown and never question yourself at tough times, as long as you are doing everything by the book.

How To Attract Good Luck In Gambling

By the time you experience several months or years of successful gambling, there’s a big chance you feel… bored! Yes, believe it or not, no matter how much money you are making, doing the same, dull thing every single day, will get you bored. At first, making money from gambling seems like a dream. But like in every other business, routine will take the pleasure away.

Find the missed fun, by exploiting new markets, trying something new or improve your methods.

Finally, burnout is a serious hazard in all kinds of successful gambling. Take breaks, go on holidays, and enjoy your profits and hard work. Don’t let gambling consume you, no matter how big you are winning.

How To Attract Luck In Gambling Money

Enjoy life, because in the end, isn’t that the meaning of living?

Let’s not hurry things up though. Most probably, you’re having a difficult time to break even to say the least. Winning in the long run seems too far away at the moment. Don’t despair. Stop gambling your money away, find an edge, forward test your system in paper and when you feel ready, do not risk more than 1% of your bankroll. I am sure, we’ll be hearing from you soon!

How To Attract Luck In Gambling Winnings

Below, you can find the five most recent articles I wrote about gambling.